As he flashes you an innocent, unassuming smile, you think it should soothe you- yet it just leaves you feeling slightly unnerved...

Achi'a Hura'at

Mysterious Miqo'te Alchemist


Age ✧ Looks 30-ish
Height ✧ 159cm
Gender ✧ Male
Race ✧ Miqo'te (?)
Nationality ✧ Unknown
Occupation ✧ Alchemist
Personality ✧ Achi'a's bubbly demeanour stands in stark contrast to the dark, heavy garb he tends to wear. Perhaps a little more formal than most in his speech, he is generally very polite and affable to all he meets.Availability ✧ Open to RP
Platform ✧ Prefer discord, but open to in-game RP
Home World ✧ Halicarnassus, Dynamis


For all intents and purposes, Achi'a's life appears to be an open, unremarkable book. He would tell you of his childhood growing up in the Twelveswood, his interest in science and medicine that lead him to travelling to Ul'dah to study Alchemy. He's since returned to the Black Shroud to open a small boutique called Ambrosia where he sells potions and elixirs as well as supplies the ingredients to make them.Of course, there's always more to the tale than what it appears to be on the surface.Details are quite fuzzy as to where exactly Achi'a studied his craft. His interests in medicine fall more under the study of the dead rather than anything in healing. Still, despite the strangeness that surrounds him, many who know Achi'a only have positive things to say about the Miqo'te.Currently, he splits his time between being in the Black Shroud half the time, and anywhere else in Eorzea his business takes him the other half. Although it does become quite difficult to pi down his exact whereabouts when he is on the move.


Anyone may freely use these hooks when roleplaying with Achi'a.

A Distinct Appearance

The Keeper clad from head to toe in dark blues and black is often a unique sight to behold in a crowd. Combined with his black parasol, Achi'a's sense of style does earn him quite a few looks. He doesn't seem to mind though, and will readily engage anyone in conversation without hesitation.

Simple Alchemy

Achi'a is a skilled Alchemist, but is probably better known as a supplier of hard to come by ingredients and components. He always downplays his own ability, but you rely on him to have answers to your questions on the subject.

A Triffling Feeling

There are always... oddities when Achi'a is around. Small, simple things you might not pay much attention to. The air feels maybe just a degree colder. Your eyes feel a slight strain as they would when tired. There's a twinge of confusion as something strikes you as 'just a little bit off' despite not being able to put a finger on why.But Achi'a is a perfectly pleasant conversationalist, so you brush it aside.


These hooks are intended to be used sparingly. Not just anyone would know of this information, regardless of its veracity.

Purveyor of Tomes of Old

If there is one thing that seems to interest Achi'a more than anything else, it is tomes and texts from the Sixth Astral Era. The Miqo'te doesn't appear particularly wealthy, but is rumoured to have dropped obscene amounts of money to acquire any such items.

A Name by any Other

In the long-since-dead tongue of Gelmorra, Achi'a's name sounds surprisingly close to the phrase Achi-Hur-At; a foul odour that does not belong. The strangeness of his name, combined with his extensive familiarity with obscure languages could lead one to wonder if this is not merely a coincidence.

A Surprising Lack

A rumour said more in jest, it's been said that Achi'a doesn't appear to have a sense of touch. He is unbothered by weather of any extremes, he's less likely to respond to a tap on the shoulder than the sound of his own name- its even been claimed that he doesn't even react to something which should cause him pain.


Do not use these hooks or the information implied in a public RP setting. If you wish to use these hooks, you must first discuss them with me.

Past Mysteries

Achi'a can sometimes speak of his family fondly, with many tales of their storied history and legacy. The tales are believable and he has many an heirloom to show, but any attempts to dig into Achi'a's past reveals... nothing. No family, no ancestors, no anything. It is as if Achi'a has not existed beyond the last 10 years.

What's Hidden Beneath

It's no big revelation to anyone that Achi'a never dresses in a way that reveals any skin besides that on his face. The man has many answers to the question- sensitivity, comfort, and style will usually be acceptable answers for those who pry. But perhaps you have by some stroke of fate (fortune or ill), you may have caught a glimpse of his body... grotesque scars and stitching and all!


My name is Alek and I'm Achi'a's mun.I am a fairly active FFXIV player based in Australia. I am an altaholic, so Achi'a is only one of my many characters. If you'd like to find out more about them and me, you can check out my general FFXIV carrd.✘ On principle I don't privately RP with anyone under 18. ✘
I'm in my 30s, & I feel like it is just inappropriate to be roleplaying with minors, regardless of how innocuous the content might be.
Discord ✧ alek#0641